Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Causes Of Unemployment And Its Effect On The Growth Of...

Causes of unemployment in India 1-rapid population growth: It is the leading cause of unemployment in Rural India. In India, particularly in rural areas, the population is increasing rapidly. It has adversely affected the unemployment situation largely in two ways. In the first place, the growth of population directly encouraged the unemployment by making large addition to labour force. It is because the rate of job expansion could never have been as high as population growth would have required. It is true that the increasing labour force requires the creation of new job opportunities at an increasing rate. But in actual practice employment expansion has not been sufficient to match the growth of the labor force, and to reduce the back leg of unemployment. This leads to unemployment situation secondly; the rapid population growth indirectly affected the unemployment situation by reducing the resources for capital formation. Any rise in population, over a large absolute base as in India, implies a large absolute number. It means large additional expenditure on their rearing up, maintenance, and education. As a consequence, more resources get used up in private consumption such as food, clothing, shelter and son on in public consumption like drinking water, electricity medical and educational facilities. This has reduced the opportunities of diverting a larger proportion of incomes to saving and investment. Thus, population growth has created obstacles in the way of firstShow MoreRelatedOverpopulation in India1001 Words   |  5 PagesPopulation Explosion in India The Factors and Effects of Population Explosion in India, and Steps to Control Population There are many factors contributing in the population explosion in India, and the increased population has led to many others consequences. Anyhow, steps are taken by the government of India to control this predicament. 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